Celine Navarro

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Salomé and her treasured wooden Doll House | Pidoko Kids campaign

When I was in the United States last month, for the She Loves Color event (I need to blog about it, it was AWESOME!). While I was there, I got in touch with a fantastic company, PIDOKOKIDS, who offers high-quality toys for kids! Among those, this beautiful, should I say, STUNNING wooden dollhouse!

Shipping this pretty to France would have been too expensive, so they graciously sent it to my hotel in Milwaukee while I was teaching there, and I carried it in my suitcase on my way back home! Isn't it super generous and adorable of them?

Oh my god, and should I say that Salomé was OVER THE MOON when she discovered it?!

First of all, it travelled perfectly in my suitcase. I have to say that it perfectly fitted in it and I could toss it with laundry and stuff there (and some shopping I did at Anthropologie).

Her Skylar dollhouse was super easy and fast to assemble it and it's totally SAFE for a 2-year-old! Yes. Salomé is already 2 years old, can you believe it?

She is in LOVE with her dolls, creating new stories every day, being either nice or super bossy! I guess her two favorite things are this doolhouse and books. I like it :)

She even wants to take her dolls on trips with her, so we made a tiny bag/purse for her to carry them!

oh and yeah! We have started the "fake smile" or should I say the "I can't smile in a natural way" which makes me laugh so hard when I see her funny face! I love this kid. So MUCH.

Thank you SOOOOO MUCH PIDOKOKIDS for making my kid SUPER happy, super creative and in love with your house!

Sponsorship compensation for this post was provided by PIDOKOKIDS. Opinions expressed here are my own. I only work with brands I like and that fit my style because it gives me more freedom and fun! ^^

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