You must have seen on my Instagram or on Pinterest that I am absolutely passionate, even obsessed, by the Moon, by Astrology and everything that has to do with the stars and the messages they share with us.

I recently rediscovered my spirituality. Several things happened. I don’t believe in chance: new friendships or simply new people I met (remember, I don't believe in chance) such as Laura from Belle et Spirituelle, who has guided me (and always does so with her friendship) and helped me to work on myself (spiritually, emotionally and much more), my friends, the rediscovery of lithotherapy (how crystals can help me physically and emotionally, just as essential oils - this has always fascinated me), discoveries, etc...

Today, with hindsight and some books/readings around the subject (see list below), observing and learning about the Moon fascinates me. I can't tell you why, except that a hint of witchcraft in a past life (or several past lives?) is floating in the air. But enough blah blah : make yourself a cup of your favorite drink, relax and give yourself some time, and I hope this article will make you want to reconnect yourself with the Moon.

Reconnect to your spirituality  

Spirituality is not a religion, don’t you think? I mean, in my opinion. Because according to Wikipedia:

Definition of spirituality

There is no single, widely agreed upon definition of spirituality. Surveys of the definition of the term, as used in scholarly research, show a broad range of definitions with limited overlap. A survey of reviews by McCarroll each dealing with the topic of spirituality gave twenty-seven explicit definitions, among which "there was little agreement.". This impedes the systematic study of spirituality and the capacity to communicate findings meaningfully. Furthermore, many of spirituality's core features are not unique to spirituality; for example self-transcendence, asceticism and the recognition of one's connection to all were regarded by the atheist Arthur Schopenhauer as key to ethical life.

Spirituality is believing that there is "something else", or "something" intangible, unexplainable, that rules, organizes this world, that "plays" with our energies, our dreams, our skills. I come from a rather religious (Catholic) family, but also very much oriented towards spirituality and esotericism. I was bathed in an atmosphere where crystals were present, where a dowser was asked to bless the land of a future house, a healer friend to give us an energetic cleansing, etc... I grew up in that world. Something that made me rather curious, open to the intangible or at least the unexplainable.

And then, one day, everything stopped.

Life got in the way, if I must say. The loss of my sister, my personal and professional lives went upside down. Well, you guessed it, all of these has like "extinguished" that little spiritual inferno, or at least diminished the connection to my Spiritual Self. And it is thanks to new friends, who became close friends, that I gradually reconnected. I think about my sweet friend Clara who was probably the first "witch" I have met again in this life, and I love her so much! I realize today that I am now led to meet (find?) witches and other witches much more frequently, as if they were there to say "hey! You haven't forgotten us anyway?! We're not that far!". Two years ago, it's by getting to know Laura that I really reconnected my Spiritual Self to everything else and WOW. Thanks to her, I feel like saying that I am not the same person I was two years ago. I SEE. I FEEL. I SENSE MORE.

It's not easy but it's me. Again.

To reconnect to your Spiritual YOU is to give yourself the freedom to see, feel, feel differently, more freely, more honestly. It means listening to yourself, meditating, taking stock of your life path, making the right decisions according to your intuitions.

The Moon acts on your cycle (yes, it does!).

Many theories of ancient civilizations, especially the Aztecs, link the phases of the moon to women's menstrual cycles. They cite the similar duration of the two "events" (full moon and new moon) as evidence of the link. While the lunar cycle is set at about 29.5 days, a woman menstruates on average every 28 days (although this varies from person to person). Despite this intriguing coincidence, there is no evidence that the moon and menstruation are related in any way. Studies are not able to determine whether more women are menstruating at the time of the full moon (mine are right on the New Moon), and whether or not this would be conclusive.

However, it can be said that, since the body is made up of more than 60% water, the phases of the Moon play on it.

Physically in any case, but also psychologically. The Moon influences the oceans with the tides, so imagine what it can do to our body! The Moon has a place not only in our sky but also in our body, indirectly. It does not direct our body, far from it, but it accompanies it in its changes. I regularly have trouble sleeping during the Full Moon phases, whereas I usually fall like a lump as soon as I lay my head on my pillow. And my menstrual cycle corresponds exactly to the New Moon. A sign? Who knows…

The phases of the Moon guide you in your choices and decisions (yes, they do!)

So, I've already told you about it briefly in this blog post, about my Magic of I lunar planner. I probably underestimated the usefulness of this planner the first day I received it. Not in the quality of the content contained in its gorgeous pages, but especially in what it was going to open to me: a new perspective at the effects of the Moon and the planets, a growing curiosity for Astrology - which grew way faster as I met the incredible HolisticZaza on insta - and above all, a new way to rock my life, its cycles, whether physical or emotional. Every month, I look at the position of the planets in my planner and it tells me clearly the days when it's best to set up concrete actions for work, or if it's better to sit down and brainstorm on my projects.

Let's take a look at what the Full Moon and the New Moon are asking of you

The New Moon phase is when we want to manifest our dreams and set good intentions about our goals, wishes, requests to the Universe.

The New Moon is a new beginning, the beginning of the new cycle. The moment we plant our "seeds", which we water til the Full Moon happens.

It is always a powerful period in energy: take advantage of it to really set your intentions as to what you want in your life. It is a time to take advantage of this energy of renewal to reflect on the previous cycle and prepare for the next one.

The Moon invites you to wish, visualize and manifest your intentions in order to regain control of your life. You are no longer eager to just endure: you choose, you manifest and you create!

As for the Full Moon, it is the highest grade of this powerful energy that comes from the New Moon: the harvest. It illuminates what you need to give up on, to leave behind what you no longer need, as we enter the second lunar phase. This is a decisive moment: if the desires you shared at the new moon are to be fulfilled, you will reap the fruits of your labour at the full moon! Whether you do or not, you can be grateful for what you have and trust in what comes next. If you did not get what you wanted, there are three options: either life has better in store for you, in another form, or it waits for the right moment to offer it to you, or you did not ask for it properly. And in my diary, I have pages of diary just to write all this down :)

In my Magic of I planner, there’s an explanation of what each phase of the moon does…

Meditate with the Moon

I've been meditating for a while. I started with the Little Bamboo app, but since then, I discovered Serenity, wow! I love it!

I also listen to some videos on YouTube to meditate during the Full and New Moon phases. And above all, I invite you to read this article (in french) by my friend Julie from the blog Être Optimiste on Comment Méditer Autrement avec la Lune : FANTASTIC BLOGPOST (like all of them by the way).

(Re)discover Astrology and open yourself to a field of the Infinite Possible

I have always looked at my horoscope in TV programs or online (yes shame on me) but lately, being more open to my spirituality, and again according to new friendships, Astrology is undoubtedly a field that fascinates and intrigues me.

How can the position of the Planets in our native sky (astral chart) influence our character? How can Mercury play on our decisions or our moods according to its position in the sky?

So many questions that intrigue me! I read, I watch videos, I try to understand. And step by step, it becomes clearer, everything makes sense. I become more attentive, I observe the sky more. Not only has it opened a passion for astrology, but also for astronomy! Guys, this is crazy!

Depending on your sun sign (your astrological sign), you are governed by a particular planet, which plays a role in your personality (in addition to your education, your beliefs, your history...).

Would you like to know which planet influences your sun sign?

Here they are...

Sun | Leo - strength, self-expression, strong personality

Moon | Cancer - intuition, feminine part, expression of emotions

Mercury | Gemini, Virgo - intellect, communication, alertness of mind

Venus | Taurus, Libra - beauty, romance, love

Mars | Aries - self-affirmation, energies, willpower

Jupiter | Sagittarius - luck, fun, growth

Saturn | Capricorn - life lessons, destiny, the "grandpa" of the zodiac signs!

Uranus | Aquarius - eccentricity, freedom, fun

Neptune | Pisces (that's me!) - dreams and illusions, idealism, mysticism, magic

Pluto | Scorpio (Salome) - transformation, passion, intensity


